8-1-4 @ Café Briljant, Haarlem


-    Teaser - Sinds een dag of 2 (32 jaar)  (Doe Maar)

-    The twilight zone Theme  (The Grateful Dead)  -

1.    Ain't she sweet  (Beatles)

2.    Hung up  (Paul Weller)

3.    Terminal                                  

4.    Sinds een dag of 2 (32 jaar)  (Doe Maar)

5.     You do something (to me)  (Paul Weller)

6.    The changing man  (Paul Weller)


7.    Unintended  (Muse)

8.    Terminal (2nd time @ request)

9.    It hurts to lose you  (The Prayer Boat) 

10.   Fire  (Bruce Sprigsteen)

-     Teaser - Transformer man  (Neil Young)  -

11.   Too late







This show was also recorded on camcorder, some clips will be made available for download when it has been digitalized




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